DropIT 可让您使用代码或链接快速安全地共享文件。无需注册,无需麻烦 - 只需放下它,共享代码,接收即可。立即体验轻松的文件共享!
DropIT is a fast and simple file-sharing platform. Share files without an account using a memorable code, ensuring easy and quick transfers across the internet.
当前位置:首页 / DropIT - 即时文件共享
DropIT 可让您使用代码或链接快速安全地共享文件。无需注册,无需麻烦 - 只需放下它,共享代码,接收即可。立即体验轻松的文件共享!
DropIT is a fast and simple file-sharing platform. Share files without an account using a memorable code, ensuring easy and quick transfers across the internet.
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